If you have forgotten your password you can reset it by:
Clicking the Reset Password button below (or go to https://app.personifycare.com/#forgot)
Entering the mobile number you used to create your account
The password link will arrive as a text or email, depending on your account preferences. (If you've chosen email, check the spam folder, just in case).
The reset link is valid for one hour.Please note: The date of birth of the account owner will be required to reset your password.
More detailed step by step instructions are below:
On the homepage, click on "Use date of birth" underneath the "Submit" button:
On the next screen, click the "Reset your password" link at the bottom of the page (you man need to scroll down on some phones):
On the next screen, enter your mobile phone number.
Within a minute, you will be sent a notification (SMS or email, check your spam!) with a secure link to reset your password. Click on the link.
You will be directed to a new page. Enter your date of birth or the patient's date of birth if you are registering on their behalf.
If the date of birth does not validate, it is possible that a typo was entered when the account was created. In this case, you will need technical assistance. Reach out to Personify Care support team via the Chat Messenger.
Enter your new password (8 characters minimum).
6. Press submit. You now have access to your account and have set a new password.